Soldater fra Hæren på øvelse i Oksbøl.

Soldier from the Royal Danish Army.

The Army Command

The Army is commanded by the Army Command, a part of Defence Command Denmark, located at Karup Air Base.


Operational units

  • 1 Brigade and 2 Brigade with Headquarters in Holstebro and Slagelse respectively.
  • The Royal Life Guards, garrisoned in Høvelte and Copenhagen.
  • Guard Hussars Regiment, garrisoned in Slagelse and Rønne.
  • Jutland Dragoons Regiment, garrisoned in Holstebro.
  • The Intelligence Regiment, garrisoned in Varde.
  • The Engineer Regiment and Joint Engineers and CBRN Centre, garrisoned in Skive.
  • The Logistic Regiment - Army Combat Service Support and Joint Military Police Centre, garrisoned in Aalborg.
  • Joint Signals Regiment –Joint Command Support Center, garrisoned in Fredericia.
  • Slesvig Regiment of Foot – garrisoned in Haderslev.
  • Danish Artillery Regiment - garrisoned in Oksbøl.


Supporting organisations

There are a number of supporting organisations providing vital support for the Army, a few examples of these are:

  • The Royal Danish Military Academy
  • The Army Non-Commisioned Officers School
  • The Home Guard
  • Defence Logistics and Acqusition Organization
  • Joint Movement and Transportation Organization
  • Defence Maintenance Service


Unit sizes

  • Division: approximately 10.000-40,000
  • Brigade: approximately 2.000-4.500
  • Battlegroup: Usually a battalion sized formation reinforced with brigade and/or divisional assets and additional staff to enhance the ability of the formation to solve tasks or the ability to operate independently. Varied, often around 1,000
  • Battalion (up to five companies or squadrons): approximately 700
  • Artillery Battalion(Up to four batteries): approximately 660
  • Company (up to five platoons and a headquarter platoon or section): approximately 100-160
  • Battery (up to five platoons and a headquarter platoon or section): approximately 60-200
  • Squadron* (up to five platoons and a headquarter platoon or section): approximately 60-200
  • Platoon (three sections and a small command team): approximately 35
  • Section: approximately 6-10

The sizes of the individual units cannot be stated precisely, as this can vary depending on the unit's role, mandate or equipment.


*In tank and reconnaissance units company sized formations are called squadrons.



The Regiments are the carriers of the regimental names and traditions i.e. the Jutland Dragoons and the Guard Hussars. However, today the regiments are garrison support units handling guard and security services, press contacts, administration, welfare services and a range of other tasks and roles.

Last updated August 25, 2020 - 13:54